In the annals of financial lore, there exists a legendary figure known as Mumu, revered as the indomitable guardian of the fabled Bull Market. Mumu, the majestic bull, perpetually embarks on a heroic struggle against the relentless forces of the bears and other iconic embodiments of market whimsy, including the (and gayest bear) Bobo.
Their ceaseless clash shapes the very essence of market sentiment and dictates the course of destiny itself. In the hallowed year of 2021, Mumu reigned supreme, wielding unparalleled dominance over the markets with unyielding authority. Now, as the vernal winds herald the dawn of Spring in 2024, Mumu strides forth once more from the mists of legend, ready to reclaim his mantle of power and steer the course of financial fate.
In the annals of financial lore, there exists a legendary figure known as Mumu, revered as the indomitable guardian of the fabled Bull Market. Mumu, the majestic bull, perpetually embarks on a heroic struggle against the relentless forces of the bears and other iconic embodiments of market whimsy, including the (and gayest bear) Bobo.
Their ceaseless clash shapes the very essence of market sentiment and dictates the course of destiny itself. In the hallowed year of 2021, Mumu reigned supreme, wielding unparalleled dominance over the markets with unyielding authority. Now, as the vernal winds herald the dawn of Spring in 2024, Mumu strides forth once more from the mists of legend, ready to reclaim his mantle of power and steer the course of financial fate.
If you're here you might just make it.
Mumu is the destroyer of bobo bears. Larry Fink and Mumu were best friends in college. Some say mumu has a schlong bigger than the BTC weekly candle. pump that knitta
If you're here you might just make it.
Mumu is the destroyer of bobo bears. Larry Fink and Mumu were best friends in college. Some say mumu has a schlong bigger than the BTC weekly candle. pump that knitta
Fair launched
Mumu launch on BASE for all bullas.
0% Tax
Mumu doesn't fuck with gay bears who tax.
Liquidity Burned
Mumu need liq to moon. Mumu liq never leave.
Selling = Gay
Gay bears will be punished on the Mumu Moon Mission.
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